Yi Wang

Pic of YI, taken 2019

Hi, I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science at the University of New Hampshire. I am a member of the UNH Artificial Intelligence Group. I am currently working with Professor Wheeler Ruml in the area of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Motion Planning, and Heuristic Search.

Here are my full , Google Scholar citations


University of New Hampshire

I have been a teaching assistant at the University of New Hampshire for a variety of courses, involved in creating assignments, exams and conducting recitation sessions for Intro to computer Science(Java), Data Structure and Algorithms(C++).


  • Qinkun Xiao, Yi Wang, Haiyun Wang, Motion retrieval using weighted graph matching. Sofe Computing, 2015.

  • Qinkun Xiao, Yi Wang, Yichuang Luo, 3D path planning of ant colony algorithm using partial differential elevation modelling Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2015.

  • Qinkun Xiao, Yi Wang, Song Gao, Jiantao Wang, 3D path planning based on elevation model and ant colony algorithm 2013 5th International Conference on Intelligent Human-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, 2013.

  • Qinkun Xiao, Junfang Li, Yi Wang, Zhao Li, Haiyun Wang, Motion retrieval using probability graph model 2013 Sixth International Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Design, 2013.


  • Concurrent Motion Planning and Execution

  • Optimal Anyangle path planning

  • Motion Retrieval Using Graph Modeling.

  • Path Planning Algorithm of outdoor Environment For UGV.

  • Retrieval of Multi-Motion System In A Multi-perspective Environment

  • Retrieval of Multi-View Moving Objects Under A complex Environment.

  • Road detection based on Machine vision.

Course and MS project

  • Batch Informed Trees(BIT*) for a dubins vehicle amid dynamic obstalces.
  • Batch Informed Trees(BIT*) with anytime weighted search.
