CS 725/825 Computer Networks, IT 725 Network Technology
Assignment Submission Instructions
Make sure that your read, understand, and follow all the instructions. You are helping to speed up the grading process. Thank you!
These are generic instructions, make sure that you check and follow specific instructions for the particular assignments.
Paper Submission:
The paper must be submitted using Canvas (mycourses.unh.edu). Canvas timestamp establishes the time of the submission. In the unlikely event that Canvas is not functional around the assignment deadline, email me the submission to establish the time of submission and then, as soon as Canvas is available again, follow up with a regular upload to Canvas. You must upload byte-for-byte identical file to that you emailed. Emailed-only submissions will not be graded.
The submission must be in PDF. All modern word processing applications are capable of producing PDF documents. Just look for Save As or Export options. Even MS Word allows you to save a document as a PDF file (File - Save As - Format). LaTeX is the recommended but not required tool for document preparation. Make sure that the file can opened using a standard PDF viewers. PDFs consisting of photographs of handwritten assignments will not be graded.
- Make sure that your name, class, and assignment number is on the first page of the document. Do not include your student ID number.
- The font size of the body of the paper should be between 10 and 12 points, the maximum line spacing is 1.5. Your grade is not proportional to the number of pages you submit. Clear and concise writing is preferred.
- If you include snippets of code or program outputs, make sure that they are well formatted. Screen shots should be avoided unless there is a good reason to use them. Using a screen shot of an editor window to show a piece of code is not one of them.
Code Submission:
Code must be submitted using course GitLab repository.