CS 725/825 Computer Networks, IT 725 Network Technology

Assignment 3

Due: Wednesday, October 30, 2024, 2:10 pm (start of the class)




  1. Include a brief outline of the approach that you took and a sample run in your assignment submission. You must show representative runs of your programs together with appropriate explanations. Important: by showing an execution of your program, you are making a statement that your program, as submitted, works as shown. An attempt to "fake" a run, for example by writing a program that ignores input and just prints answers regardless of input, will be considered as cheating. You may be asked to give a demo of your program. If your program does not implement fully the required functionality or does not work, you have to make it clear in the report.
  2. Commit the source code to your course Git repository (see instructions). Add brief instructions on how to compile/run the code to the assignment's README.md. Do not commit data, graphs, documents, etc. into the repository. Don't forget to tag the commit as a3.

Submission instructions:

Upload your submission as a single PDF file using myCourses (mycourses.unh.edu). Any source code used in the assignment must be committed to the course Git repository. More details can be found in the standard assignment submission instructions.