CS 925 Advanced Computer Networks

Assignment 4

Due: Thursday, April 4, 2024, 2:10 pm (start of the class)


The purpose of this assignment is to have you identify a specific research question and answer it in your paper. The question should be focussed on some aspect of HTTP/3 performance and similar in nature to the previous assignments. However, I would be happy to discuss other ideas for what you want to work on.

You are free to use any libraries and tools that you find helpful but, as baseline, rb1/rb2 has quiche-client and quiche-server installed. Try to run them with –help option to see the many parameters that you can set. For example, you can set the congestion control algorithm. A version of curl with HTTP/3 support compiled in is also available.

As discussed in class, the course repository now includes a self-signed key and a certificate. If you get an error referring to TLS, missing/misplaced key and certificate are the likely culprits. Setting RUST_LOG variable to "info" (export RUST_LOG=info), will make both the client and server produce more detailed information.


Paper that describes your findings and code committed to the class repository.

Submission instructions:

Upload your submission as a single PDF file using Canvas (mycourses.unh.edu). Any source code used in the assignment must be committed to the course Git repository. More details can be found in the standard assignment submission instructions.