09/27/11 rdb MRI brain data -------------- MRbrain.bin.gz - a single volume of MR brain data 109 slices of 256x256 of 16 bit integers MRbrain.tar.gz - tarball of the 109 slices as separate files brain104.bin - the MRbrain data in a single file with last 5 slices deleted this version can have 3 levels of wavelets applied without requiring any special handling brain104.bin.gz - gzipped version of brain104.bin brain104.xfdl - Granite metadata xfdl file for brain104.bin bunny data ---------- bunny.bin.gz - a single volume of the stanford bunny: 361 slices of 512x512 values still stored has short ints. bunny.tar.gz - tarball of the 361 slices as separate files bunny360.bin - First 360 slices of the Stanford bunny data converted to float; All -1200 data values have been converted to 0. These values are actually outside the physical machine coordinate positions. The slice count allows 3 wavelets to be applied without special handling. bunny360.bin.gz - gzipped version of bunny360.bin bunny360.bin.gz - Graniate metadata xfdl file for bunny360.bin