CS416 Introduction to Computer Science II

Course Outline

Topics: Theory and practice of computer science. Algorithm development and analysis; data abstraction techniques; elementary data structures; and programming with imperative languages and functional languages. Computer systems and applications. Intended for CS majors. More...
URL: http://blackboard.unh.edu/ Enrolled students only, password required. Limited guest access available by clicking the Preview button on the login page. The course website is available only when the course is in session.
Credits: 4
Section: 01
Semester: Fall 2007
Date/Time: Lectures: MWF 12:10 - 1:00, Kingsbury N111,
Seminars: TR 8:10-9:30, Kingsbury N133.
Instructor: Radim Bartos
Office: Kingsbury N215B, rbartos AT cs.unh.edu, http://www.cs.unh.edu/~rbartos,
Phone: (603) 862-3792, Fax (603) 862-3493.
Office hours: MWF 10-11 am and by appointment.
GTA: Steven McCoy
Office: Kingsbury W236, stk5 AT unh.edu
Office hours: M 10-noon and TR 1-3.
Teaching method: Lectures, seminars, and programming projects.
Homeworks: Problems and programming projects given approximately once a week. Homeworks are due at the beginning of a class on the day they are due. Late homeworks will be accepted with penalty (5% one day, 10% two days, 20% three days, 40% four days, no credit given after four days).
Exams: Two 80 min in-class exams (late October and mid November) and a two-hour final. Weekly short quizzes. No "make-up" exams or quizzes will be given except in cases of documented medical or serious family reasons.
Grading: 50% assignments, 15% in-class exams, 15% final exam, 20% quizzes. The two lowest quiz grades will be dropped. Grading scale: 95% and above: A, 90% and above: A-, 87% and above: B+, 83% and above: B, 80% and above: B-, 77% and above: C+, 73% and above: C, 70% and above: C-, etc. Students with with a documented disability must register with the UNH Disability Services. More...
Text: Walter Savitch: Absolute C++, Second ed., Addison Wesley, ISBN 0-321-33023-4.