Graduate Seminar
Fall 2018
Thursday 12:40-2pm, King N334
Instructor: P. Hatcher
Office: Kingsbury N211
Phone: 862-2678
E-mail: pjh@cs.unh.edu
Office Hours: by appointment.
This course is the seminar for new graduate students in computer science.
The primary goal of the seminar is to introduce the new students to
the department and the university,
particularly to the research projects that the current students and
faculty are engaged in.
Grading for the course is pass/fail and is based simply upon
Students in the course are expected to attend all sessions
of the class unless they arrange an excused absence with me in advance.
The class will normally meet on Thursdays in Kingsbury N334.
As a courtesy to the speakers, students should keep their
laptops and other electronic devices closed during the seminar.
Here is the current, tentative schedule for the seminar sessions
(Google calendar):
- Thursday August 30, 12:40pm: informal session to meet faculty and other graduate students; pizza and drinks will be provided.
- Thursday September 6, 12:40pm:
Dongpeng Xu, assistant professor, Computer Science, UNH,
"Software Analysis in Computer Security".
- Thursday September 13, 12:40pm:
Riannon Nute, career counselor,
CEPS, UNH, "Finding Jobs and Internships".
- Thursday September 20, 12:40pm:
tour of the UNH InterOperability Laboratory with
Tim Carlin, senior executive for software development, IOL, UNH.
- Thursday September 27, 12:40pm:
Roger Ford, associate professor, School of Law, UNH,
"Data Scams and Other Limits of Optimization".
- Thursday October 4, 12:40pm:
Dan Pineo, director of algorithm development, L3 Technologies,
"Inside the Defense Research Industry".
- Thursday October 11, 12:40pm:
Ken Orr, senior software manager, Apple,
"Developer Tools at Apple and the Interview Process".
This talk will be in Parsons N116.
- Thursday October 18, 12:40pm:
Chris Glynn, assistant professor, Paul College, UNH,
"Dynamic Linear Topic Models for Personalization and Search".
- Thursday October 25, 12:40pm:
Sam Vohr, product developer, Embark Veterinary,
"New Approaches to Forensic Identification from Ancient DNA".
- Thursday November 1, 12:40pm:
Xuan Tang, director and head of security engineering, Dell EMC,
"Demystify Blockchain".
- Thursday November 8, 12:40pm:
Tianyi Gu, PhD candidate, Computer Science, UNH,
"Online Anytime Planning For Autonomous Vehicles".
- Thursday November 15, 12:40pm:
Radim Bartos, professor and chair, Computer Science, UNH,
"Network-based Precise Time Synchronization".
- Thursday November 22: No class. Thanksgiving holiday.
- Thursday November 29, 12:40pm: Colin Ware, professor, and
Tom Butkiewicz, research assistant professor, the Data Visualization
Research Laboratory, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping, UNH.
- Thursday December 6, 12:40pm:
Henry Feild, assistant professor, Computer Science, Endicott College,
"Towards Semi-Automated Entity Interaction Annotation".
Comments and questions should be directed to