Graduate Seminar
Fall 2014
Thur 12:40-2pm, King N113
Instructor: P. Hatcher
Office: Kingsbury N215B
Phone: 862-2678
E-mail: hatcher@unh.edu
Office Hours: by appointment.
This course is the seminar for new graduate students in computer science.
The primary goal of the seminar is to introduce the new students to
the department and the university,
particularly to the research projects that the current students and
faculty are engaged in.
Grading for the course is pass/fail and is based simply upon
Students in the course are expected to attend all sessions
of the class unless they arrange an excused absence with me in advance.
The class will meet on Thursdays, 12:40-2pm in Kingsbury N113.
As a courtesy to the speakers, students should keep their
laptops and other electronic devices closed during the seminar.
Here is the current, tentative schedule for the seminar sessions:
- Thursday Sept 4: informal session to meet faculty and other graduate students; pizza and drinks will be provided.
- Thursday September 11: Patrick MacArthur, PhD student,
Computer Science, UNH, "Design and Implementation of Sockets over RDMA".
- Thursday September 18: Nicole MacMillan, career development and
internship counselor, CEPS, UNH, and Bryan Dina, senior software engineer,
Dyn, "Finding Jobs and Internships".
- Thursday September 25: Erez Karpas, post-doctoral associate,
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT,
"Non-classical Heuristics for Classical Planning".
- Thursday October 2: Ying Li, PhD candidate, and Michel Charpentier,
associate professor, Computer Science, UNH.
- Thursday October 9: Qian Liu, PhD student, Computer Science, UNH,
"IBRMP: A Reliable Multicast Protocol for InfiniBand".
- Thursday October 16: Christopher Amato, research scientist,
Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT.
(Dr. Amato will join the UNH Computer Science faculty in January 2015.)
- Thursday October 23: Elizabeth Varki, associate professor,
Computer Science, UNH.
- Thursday October 30: Thomas Butkiewicz, research assistant professor,
- Thursday November 6: A member of the research group on scientific
data modeling and visualization, Computer Science, UNH.
- Thursday November 13: Matthew MacManes, assistant professor, MCBS, UNH.
- Thursday November 20: Scott Kiesel, PhD candidate, Computer Science, UNH.
- Thursday November 27: No class. Thanksgiving holiday.
- Thursday December 4: Andrew Kun, associate professor, ECE, UNH.
- Thursday December 11: Phil Hatcher, professor, and Radim Bartos,
associate professor and chair, Computer Science, UNH.
Last modified on September 2, 2014.
Comments and questions should be directed to