The vm520 Disassembler

The vm520 disassembler, dis520, is used to display vm520 object files in human-readable form.

dis520 takes a single command-line argument, the name of the object file to be displayed.

First, the insymbol section is displayed, one line per symbol. The symbol's definition address is shown in decimal.

Second, the outsymbol section is displayed, one line per symbol. The symbol's reference address is shown in decimal.

Third, the object code is displayed, one word per line. The address of the word is displayed in decimal first on the line. Then the contents of the word is shown in hexadecimal. The the opcode is displayed. (If the low 8 bits of the word do not contain a valid opcode encoding, then the word "unknown" is displayed.) Finally, the operands of the instruction are displayed. Addresses, constants and offsets are shown in decimal. If an address field refers to an address that needs to be imported, then "[undefined]" is displayed.

The disassembler displays to stdout.

Last modified on November 11, 2010.

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