A maTe Language Tutorial

This document provides an introduction to the maTe language, largely by example. However, it does contain links to the maTe language specification, where the technical details are given.

maTe is a pure object-oriented programming language, meaning every data item is an object. There are built-in classes for integers (Integer), strings (String), and hashtables (Table). Users can create classes using these built-in classes. There is also a built-in class Object, which is the root of the inheritance hierarchy. maTe supports only single-inheritance.

maTe syntax is derived from Java syntax. However, maTe programs are single-file programs. The file can contain a collection of user-defined classes, but must always contain a main block where execution will begin.

Here is the "hello, world" program in maTe:

Integer main()
   out "hello, world";
   out newline;

maTe has very primitive I/O capabilities:

maTe string literals are delimited by double quotes, and can contain any printable ASCII character except newline, line feed or tab. Note that maTe has a keyword to represent a string literal containing only a newline (newline) and a keyword to represent a string literal containing only a tab (tab).

Here is a maTe program to echo stdin to stdout (although a sequence of whitespace is compressed to a single space):

Integer main()
  String s;
  s = in;
  while (!(s == null))
    out s;
    out " ";
    s = in;
  out newline;

Note that maTe only has these basic control-flow structures:

The maTe built-in class Integer provides basic support for integer operations, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, unary minus, greater than, less than, equals and logical not. (Note that there are no operators for greater than or equal, less than or equal, and not equals.) These operations are accessed through method calls (add, subtract, etc.) or via the conventional infix operators (+, -, etc.). One important exception is that equality of Integer values is only accessible via the equals method. (Applying the == operator on two Integer references will simply test whether both references refer to the same object.) These operations all produce new Integer objects to contain the results.

Here is a maTe program to compute i! for i = 0 to 12:

Integer main()
  Integer i;
  Integer value;

  i = 0;
  value = 1;

  while (i < 13)
    out i;
    out tab;
    out value;
    out newline;

    i = i + 1;
    value = i * value;

The maTe built-in class String provides basic support for string operations, including length, concatenation, substring and comparison. The length operation is accessed via the length method. The substring operation is accessed via the substr method. The concatenation operation is accessed via the concat method or via the infix operator +. The comparison operations are all accessed via infix operators (<, > and ==).

Here is a maTe program to compute factorial using string concatenation to format the output lines:

Integer main()
  Integer i;
  Integer value;

  i = 0;
  value = 1;

  while (i < 13)
    out i.toString() + tab + value.toString() + newline;

    i = i + 1;
    value = i * value;

The maTe built-in class Table provides basic support for hashtable operations.

Since maTe does not support arrays, hashtables can be used in their place. For instance, here is a maTe program to initialize and then sum an array of integers, with the array implemented as a hashtable. (This example also illustrates that maTe has Java-like comments.)

Integer main()
  // x will implement an array
  Table x;
  Integer i;
  Integer sum;

  // create the table/array (1000 is the hashtable capacity)
  x = new Table(1000);

  // initialize x[i] = i
  i = 0;
  while (i < 10)
    x.put(i, i);
    i = i + 1;

  // sum x[i] for i = 0 to 9
  i = 0;
  sum = 0;
  while (i < 10)
    sum = sum + ((Integer) x.get(i));
    i = i + 1;

  // output the sum
  out sum.toString() + newline;
Note that one inconvenience to using hashtables for arrays is that the type of the value stored in the table is not known at compile time and therefore a cast must be performed on the value retrieved from the table before an integer operation can be applied to it.

The following code creates a class to represent an integer array, uses a hashtable to implement the array, and then re-does the array sum example:

// provide support for an integer array
class IntegerArray
  // array length: private
  Integer length;

  // hashtable used to implement array: private
  Table t;

  // validate an index: private
  //   returns 1 if the index is okay and 0 otherwise
  Integer checkIndex(Integer index)
    if (index < 0)
      out "index out of range: " + index.toString() + " < 0" + newline;
      return 0;
    if (index > (length - 1))
      out "index out of range: " + index.toString() + " >= " +
        length.toString() + newline;
      return 0;
    return 1;

  // constructor: array length must be provided
  //   array elements are initialized to zero
  IntegerArray(Integer len)
    Integer i;

    t = new Table(len * 10);
    length = len;

    i = 0;
    while (i < len)
      t.put(i, 0);
      i = i + 1;

  // get a value from the array
  //   returns null if index is not valid
  Integer get(Integer index)
    if (checkIndex(index))
      return (Integer) t.get(index);
      return null;

  // put a value from the array
  //   returns the value if index is valid
  //   returns null if index is not valid
  Integer put(Integer index, Integer value)
    if (checkIndex(index))
      t.put(index, value);
      return value;
      return null;

Integer main()
  IntegerArray x;
  Integer i;
  Integer sum;

  x = new IntegerArray(10);

  // initialize x[i] = i
  i = 0;
  while (i < 10)
    x.put(i, i);
    i = i + 1;

  // sum x[i] for i = 0 to 9
  i = 0;
  sum = 0;
  while (i < 10)
    sum = sum + x.get(i);
    i = i + 1;

  // output the sum
  out sum.toString() + newline;

All method calls in maTe are virtual, meaning that the run-time type of an object is used to choose the method to invoke. Here is a maTe version of the classic "animals speaking" example:

class Animal
  // all animals must speak
  Integer speak()
    out "abstract method: should not be called" + newline;
    return 0;

class Pig extends Animal
  Integer speak()
    out "oink" + newline;
    return 1;

class Rooster extends Animal
  Integer speak()
    out "cock-a-doodle-do" + newline;
    return 1;

class Dog extends Animal
  Integer speak()
    out "woof" + newline;
    return 1;

class Cow extends Animal
  Integer speak()
    out "moo" + newline;
    return 1;

Integer main()
  Table t;
  Animal animal;

  // initialize a table and throw some animals in it, each with a count
  t = new Table(100);
  t.put(new Cow(), 1);
  t.put(new Dog(), 3);
  t.put(new Rooster(), 5);
  t.put(new Pig(), 7);

  // now iterate over the table contents and ask each animal to speak
  animal = (Animal) t.nextKey();
  while (!(animal == null))
    Integer count;
    Integer i;

    // each animal will speak the number of times given by its count
    count = (Integer) t.get(animal);
    i = 0;
    while (i < count)
      i = i + 1;

    animal = (Animal) t.nextKey();
This example also illustrates the iterator mechanism (firstKey and nextKey methods) available in the Table class. Note that the iterator does not return the values in the order they were inserted, rather the order is dependent on the hashing function and size of the table.

The run-time type of an object is accessible to the programmer via the instanceof operator. Here is a simple example to illustrate that operator:

Integer main()
   Object obj;

   obj = new Integer(19);

   if (obj instanceof Object)
     out "it is an Object" + newline;

   if (obj instanceof Integer)
     out "it is an Integer" + newline;

   if (obj instanceof String)
     out "it is a String" + newline;

   if (obj instanceof Table)
     out "it is a Table" + newline;

Last modified on January 8, 2013.

Comments and questions should be directed to hatcher@unh.edu