Spring 2015
Laboratory 8
Monday March 30
The lab must be submitted prior to 8am on Tuesday March 31.

The goal for this lab is to complete a serial solution to Program 4. (If you have a working threaded solution that is acceptable too.)

I will test with the following sets of files:

For full credit you must have an efficient data structure to store the words and their counts.

Put all your source code in a single file, "lab8.c".

Use the valgrind memcheck facility to validate that you properly free all allocated memory blocks.

Turn in this laboratory by typing:

% ~cs520/bin/submit lab8 lab8.c

Submissions can be checked by typing:

% ~cs520/bin/scheck lab8

Remember that there are no late submissions of labs. Submit what you have prior to 8am on Tuesday March 31.

Last modified on March 13, 2015.

Comments and questions should be directed to hatcher@unh.edu