Spring 2015
Laboratory 11
Monday April 20
The lab must be submitted prior to 8am on Thursday April 23.

Because this lab is a little harder than normal for the first lab for a programming assignment, it has an extended due date of Thursday at 8am.

The goal for this lab is to support memory systems containing a single, direct-mapped cache. This means that your implementation of initializeMemorySystem can require that the number of caches be specified to be one.

The following tests (on agate in ~cs520/public/prog6) will be used for grading:

You should submit all the source code for your assignment in one file called memSystem.c.

To turn in this laboratory, type:

% ~cs520/bin/submit lab11 memSystem.c

Submissions can be checked by typing:

% ~cs520/bin/scheck lab11

Remember that there are no late submissions of labs. Submit what you have prior to 8am on Thursday April 23.

Last modified on April 16, 2015.

Comments and questions should be directed to hatcher@unh.edu