Spring 2014
Laboratory 8
Monday March 24
The lab must be submitted prior to 8am on Tuesday March 25.

The goal of this lab is for your exception handling support to correctly handle the public test, testEH.c, which is found on agate in ~cs520/public/prog4.

This assignment is hard to decompose into pieces in order to award partial credit. Therefore, 50% of the points will be awarded based on a reading of your source code to identify whether an "honest effort" was made to try to complete this lab. The other 50% of the points will be awarded on how well your exception handler works on the public test.

Please turn-off any debugging code before you submit your lab.

  • Submit your lab via:
    ~cs520/bin/submit lab8 eh.c asm.s

  • Submissions can be checked by typing:
    ~cs520/bin/scheck lab8

    Last modified on March 13, 2014.

    Comments and questions should be directed to hatcher@unh.edu