(everyone has to read this)
(mandatory if you choose this as your expertise topic)
Hoffmann, R.; Zhang, C.; Ling, X.; Zettlemoyer, L.; and Weld, D. S. 2011. Knowledge-based weak supervision for information extraction of overlapping relations. In Proceed- ings of ACL-HLT, 541–550.
Riedel, S.; Yao, L.; and McCallum, A. 2010. Modeling relations and their mentions without labeled text. In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases. 148–163
Bordes, Antoine, et al. “A semantic matching energy function for learning with multi-relational data.” Machine Learning 94.2 (2014): 233-259. https://idp.springer.com/authorize/casa?redirect_uri=https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10994-013-5363-6&casa_token=IQB4LHbmFeQAAAAA:3AadeUgaA-MROMWWOtuaXRcXVEQBn9kjUX41PnqPYDexOJqh4MQQjX0WWP5f233w1Uhf87i24eC3a617Sw
Surdeanu, M.; Tibshirani, J.; Nallapati, R.; and Manning, C. D. 2012. Multi-instance multi-label learning for relation extraction. In Proceedings of EMNLP, 455–465.