(everyone has to read this)
(mandatory if you choose this as your expertise topic)
Garigliotti, Darío, and Krisztian Balog. “On Type-Aware Entity Retrieval.” Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR International Conference on Theory of Information Retrieval. ACM, 2017. https://arxiv.org/pdf/1708.08291
Hasibi, Faegheh, Krisztian Balog, and Svein Erik Bratsberg. “Exploiting entity linking in queries for entity retrieval.” Proceedings of the 2016 ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. ACM, 2016. http://krisztianbalog.com/files/ictir2016-elr.pdf
Kotov, Alexander, and ChengXiang Zhai. “Tapping into knowledge base for concept feedback: leveraging conceptnet to improve search results for difficult queries.” Proceedings of the fifth ACM international conference on Web search and data mining. ACM, 2012. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Kaptein, Rianne, Marijn Koolen, and Jaap Kamps. Result diversity and entity ranking experiments: Anchors, links, text and Wikipedia. Amsterdam Univ (Netherlands) Intelligent Systems Lab Amsterdam, 2009. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/798b/bfb94b15585e4c835ee3b3bcd9cd6ca22f2d.pdf
Hasibi, Faegheh, et al. “DBpedia-entity v2: a test collection for entity search.” Proceedings of the 40th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval. ACM, 2017. http://krisztianbalog.com/files/sigir2017-dbpedia.pdf