This course is going to use the UNH CS GitLab for starter code and code submissions.
This page should guide you through the process of setting up your own personal
repository for tracking changes. I encourage you to use Git not just for submissions
themselves, but for source control. This is a 700/800 level course, so "My dog ate my laptop"
is no longer an excuse that will fly. You can make branches to save experimental code,
you can do as many commits as you want. I don't need you to squash commits, and
having incremental code history here is a valuable tool for proving originality
if there is ever any doubt as to academic honesty/dishonesty.
This section will walk you through the process of setting up your repository for initial contributions. We assume some familiarity with linux command line use for brevity, but if you have any questions on process please don't hesitate to reach out to me via the UNH CS Discord platform or through email.
git clone <the copied git ssh url>
" into your linux terminal, hit enter. This should clone the repository to your machineWhen it comes time to submit a phase, we're going to use git tags. Navigate to the commit that you want to represent the state of your repository that you want to be graded for a phase. Click "Options" -> "Tag". Name the tag, for example "Phase_1". Include any special grading instructions in the tag Message field, and then click "Create Tag". I will check out that tag for grading the phase when the time comes.