4. String Concatenation

4.1. Objectives

  • Describe what is meant by concatenation
  • Utilize the + operator to properly concatenate strings in Java

4.2. Time Goal

  • 5 minutes on this section

4.3. Key Terms

One string can be appended to another using the + operator. This will create a new string with all the characters in the first string followed by all the characters in the second string.
One string can be concatenated after another which is the same as appending one string after another.
Means that something doesn’t change. Strings are immutable. Any method that seems to change a string actually creates a new string.

4.4. Exercises


Strings can be appended to each other which creates a new string using the + operator . This is also called concatenation.


Note that spaces are not added between strings automatically. If you want a space between two strings then add one.


You can even add other items to a string using the + operator. The other item will be converted to a string using the toString operator if it is an object and then appended to the current string. All objects inherit a toString method that returns a string representation of the object.

What do you think the following will print?


If you are appending a number to a string it will be converted to a string first before being appended.

Since the same operators are processed from left to right this will print 1243. First 4 will be turned into a string and appended to 12 and then 3 will be turned into a string and appended to 124. If you want the addition to take place before the numbers are turned into a string what should you do? Try to modify the code above so that it adds 4 + 3 before appending the value to the string.

    Q-124: Given the following code segment, what is in the string referenced by s1?

    String s1 = "xy";
    String s2 = s1;
    s1 = s1 + s2 + "z";
  • xyz
  • s1 will equal "xy" plus another "xy" then z at the end.
  • xyxyz
  • s1 contains the original value, plus itself, plus "z"
  • xy xy z
  • No spaces are added during concatenation.
  • xy z
  • No spaces are added during concatenation, and an additional "xy" should be included at the beginning.
  • z
  • s1 was set to "xy" initially, so the final answer will be "xyxyz"

    Q-125: What does the following code print?

    System.out.println("13" + 5 + 3);
  • 21
  • This would be correct if it was System.out.println(13 + 5 + 3), but the 13 is a string.
  • 1353
  • This is string concatenation. When you apprend a number to a string it get turned into a string and processing is from left to right.
  • It will give a run-time error
  • You can append a number to a string in Java. It turns the number into a string and then appends the second string to the first string.
  • 138
  • This would be correct if it was System.out.println("13" + (5 + 3)), but the 5 is turned into a string and appended to the 13 and then the same is done with the 3.
  • It will give a compile-time error
  • You can append a number to a string in Java. It will compile.
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