
This page is permanently under construction and, more often than I would like it to, out of date. Google Scholar tends to do a good job of keeping an alternative list of my publications.. Some of my work gets picked up by the DBLP Bibliography Server.


  1. A. Gupta and R. Bartos, “Improving Web Content Delivery with HTTP/3 and Non-Incremental EPS,” in Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), Big Island, HI, July 2024.
  2. A. Gupta and R. Bartos, “Enhancing QoE in HTTP/3 using EPS Framework,” in Proc. of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Computer, Information and Telecommunication Systems (CITS), Girona, Spain, July 2024. [doi: 10.1109/CITS61189.2024.10607991]
  3. A. Gupta and R. Bartos, “Improving HTTP/3 Quality of Experience with Incremental EPS,” in Proc. of the 2024 IEEE International Mediterranean Conference on Communications and Networking (MeditCom), Madrid, Spain, July 2024. [doi: 10.1109/MeditCom61057.2024.10621102]
  4. S. Chellappa, R. Farahani, R. Bartos, and H. Hellwagner, “Context-Aware HTTP Adaptive Video Streaming Utilizing QUIC's Stream Priority,” In Proceedings of the 2nd Mile-High Video Conference. Denver, CO, May 2023. [doi: 10.1145/3588444.3591038]
  5. S. Chellappa and R. Bartos, “Is QUIC Quicker with HTTP/3? An Empirical Analysis of Quality of Experience with DASH Video Streaming,” In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (IEEE ANTS), Gujarat, India, December 2022. [doi: 10.1109/ANTS56424.2022.10227765, PDF]
  6. G. Leclerc and R. Bartos, “Experimental Analysis of the Performance and Scalability of Network Time Security for the Network Time Protocol,” In Proceedings of 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control, and Communication (ISPCS), Vienna, Austria, October 2022, pp. 1-7. [doi: 10.1109/ISPCS55791.2022.9918378]
  7. S. Chellappa and R. Bartos, “Adaptability between ABR algorithms in DASH video streaming and HTTP/3 over QUIC: research proposal,” In Proceedings of the 13th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys '22), Athlone, Ireland, June 2022, pp. 388-392. [doi: 10.1145/3524273.3533932]
  8. A. Gupta and R. Bartos, “User Experience Evaluation of HTTP/3 in Real-World Deployment Scenarios,” In Proceedings of the 25th Conference on Innovation in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN), Paris, France, 2022, pp. 17-23. [doi: 10.1109/ICIN53892.2022.9758130]
  9. B. Smith, R. Noseworthy, and R. Bartos, “ARTT: A Scalable Approach for Monitoring the Quality of Time in Distributed Systems,” in Proc. of 2019 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS'19), Portland, OR, Sept.-Oct. 2019. [doi: 10.1109/ISPCS.2019.8886640]
  10. Y. Li and R. Bartos, “Connectedness-Aware Copy-Adaptive Routing Protocol in Intermittently Connected Networks,” International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 13 p. May 2019. [doi: 10.1007/s10776-019-00433-y]
  11. Y. Li, R. Bartos, and C. Liang, “Are Containers Coupled with NetEm a Reliable Tool for Performance Study of Network Protocols?,” in Proc of the 50th Annual IEEE South East Conference (IEEE SoutheastCon 2019), Huntsville, AL, Apr. 2019. [doi: 10.1109/SoutheastCon42311.2019.9020466]
  12. D. Maftei, R. Bartos, R. Noseworthy, and T. Carlin, “Implementing Proposed IEEE 1588 Integrated SecurityMechanism,” In Proc. of 2018 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS’18), Geneva, Oct. 2018. [doi: 10.1109/ISPCS.2018.8543084] A preliminary version of this per was presented as a Work in Progress paper “Implementing Proposed IEEE 1588 Integrated Security Mechanism,” at the 2017 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS’17), Monterey, CA, Sept. 2017.
  13. Y. Li and R. Bartos, “Interaction Based Routing Algorithm for Opportunistic Mobile Social Networks,” in Proc. 14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2017), 8-11 January 2017, Las Vegas, NV, USA.
  14. Y. Li and R. Bartos, “Efficient regional information dissemination protocol for intermittently connected mobile wireless sensor networks,” in Proc. of The IEEE SoutheastCon 2016, pp 1-8, Mar. 2016. [doi: 10.1109/SECON.2016.7506745]
  15. Y. Li and R. Bartos, “Connectedness-Aware Copy-Adaptive Routing Protocol in Intermittently Connected Networks,” in Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking (ICDCN 2016), Singapore, Jan. 2016. [doi: 10.1145/2833312.2833459]
  16. Y. Li, R. Bartos, and M. Charpentier, “Performance analysis of local algorithms in large-scale disconnected networks,” in Proc. of IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NE, Jan. 2015. [doi: 10.1109/CCNC.2015.7158014]
  17. Y. Li, R. Bartos, and J. Swan, “Dacksis: An efficient transport protocol with acknowledgment-assisted storage management for intermittently connected wireless sensor networks.” Journal of Pervasive and Mobile Computing, vol. 13, pp. 272-285 [doi: 10.1016/j.pmcj.2014.03.003]
  18. Y. Li and R. Bartos, “A survey of protocols for Intermittently Connected Delay-Tolerant Wireless Sensor Networks,” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Volume 41, May 2014, Pages 411-423, ISSN 1084-8045, [doi: 10.1016/j.jnca.2013.10.003]
  19. Y. Li and R. Bartos, “Energy Efficient Reactive Store-and-Forward Protocol for Intermittently Connected Networks,” in Proc. of The IEEE Conference on Global Communications (GLOBECOM'13), Atlanta, GA, Dec. 2013. [doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2013.6831131]
  20. Y. Li, R. Bartos, and J. Swan, “Transport protocol with acknowledgement-assisted storage management for intermittently connected wireless sensor networks,” in Distributed Computing and Networking (D. Frey, M. Raynal, S. Sarkar, R. K. Shyamasundar, and P. Sinha, eds.), vol. 7730 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 57-71, Springer, 2013. [doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-35668-1_5]
  21. K. J. Ma and R. Bartos, “CoS enforcement for HTTP adaptive streaming,” in Proc. of The IEEE Conference on Global Communications (GLOBECOM'12), Anaheim, CA, Dec. 2012. [doi: 10.1109/GLOCOMW.2012.6477783]
  22. M. Hagen, R. Zarick, and R. Bartos, “Deficit round robin scheduling with adaptive weight control,” in Proc. of The 25th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering (CAINE'12), New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2012. (Best Paper Award)
  23. M. Charpentier, R. Bartos, and Y. Li, “Local algorithms for robust mission realization in large-scale disconnected networks.” in Proc of The 11th IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (IEEE NCA'12), Aug. 2012. [doi: 10.1109/NCA.2012.48]
  24. M. Hagen, P. Scruton, R. Noseworthy, R. Zarick, and R. Bartos, “Testing challenges of Data Center Bridging networks,” IEEE Communications Magazine. vol.50, no.3, pp.140-145, March 2012. [doi: 10.1109/MCOM.2012.6163594]
  25. K. J. Ma and R. Bartos, “HTTP Live Streaming Bandwidth Management Using Intelligent Segment Selection,” in Proc. of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'11), Houston, TX, Dec. 2011. [doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2011.6133856]
  26. R. Zarick, M. Hagen, and R. Bartos, “Transparent Clocks vs. Enterprise Ethernet Switches,” in Proc. of 2011 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS'11), Munich, Germany, Sept. 2010. [doi: 10.1109/ISPCS.2011.6070161]
  27. K. J. Ma, R. Nair, and R. Bartos “DRM Workflow Analysis for Over-the-Top HTTP Segmented Delivery,” in Proc. of The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo - ICME 2011, Barcelona, Spain, July, 2011. [doi: 10.1109/ICME.2011.6012047]
  28. K. J. Ma, M. Mikhailov, and R. Bartos “DRM Optimization for Stitched Media File Rate Adaptation,” in Proc. of The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo - ICME 2011, Barcelona, Spain, July, 2011. [doi: 10.1109/ICME.2011.6012012]
  29. K. J. Ma, R. Bartos, S. Bhatia, and R. Nair, “Mobile Video Delivery with HTTP,” IEEE Communications Magazine. vol.49, no.4, pp.166-175, April 2011. [doi: 10.1109/MCOM.2011.5741161]
  30. K. J. Ma, M. Li, A. Huang, and R. Bartos, “Video Rate Adaptation in Mobile Devices via HTTP Progressive Download of Stitched Media Files,” IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 320-322, March 2011. [doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2011.012511.102044]
  31. K. J. Ma, R. Bartos, and S. Bhatia, “A Survey of Schemes for Internet-based Video Delivery,” Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications, Vol.34, No.5, p. 1572-1586. Sept. 2011, [doi: 10.1016/j.jnca.2011.02.001]
  32. M. Charpentier, R. Bartos, and Y. Li, “Interaction patterns for resilient intermittently-connected static sensor networks,” in Proc. of IEEE Conference on Military Communications (MILCOM'10), San Jose, CA, October 2010. [doi: 10.1109/MILCOM.2010.5680441, pdf, presentation]
  33. R. Zarick, M. Hagen, and R. Bartos, “The Impact of Network Latency on the Synchronization of Real-World IEEE 1588-2008 Devices,” in Proc. of 2010 International IEEE Symposium on Precision Clock Synchronization for Measurement, Control and Communication (ISPCS'10), Portsmouth, NH, Sept.-Oct. 2010. [doi: 10.1109/ISPCS.2010.5609788]
  34. M. Charpentier, R. Bartos, and S. Bhatia, “When Opportunity Proceeds from Autonomy: A Tour-Based Architecture for Disconnected Mobile Sensors,” in Proc. of The Third IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on Autonomic and Opportunistic Communications, Kos, Greece, June 2009. [doi: 10.1109/WOWMOM.2009.5282460, PDF]
  35. K. J. Ma, R. Bartos, and S. Bhatia, “Scalability of HTTP Pacing with Intelligent Bursting,” in Proc. of The IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo - ICME 2009, New York, NY, June-July, 2009. [doi: 10.1109/ICME.2009.5202615, PDF]
  36. M. Charpentier, R. Bartos, and S. Bhatia, “A Mechanism to Structure Mission-Aware Interaction in Mobile Sensor Networks,” in Proc. of The 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking - ICDCN 2009, LNCS 5408, pp. 425-436, Jan. 2009. [doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-92295-7_51, PDF]
  37. S. Bhatia and R. Bartos, “Self-similar Functions and Population Protocols: a Characterization and a Comparison,” in Proc. of The 10th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking - ICDCN 2009, LNCS 5408, pp. 236-274, Jan. 2009. [doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-92295-7_32, PDF]
  38. A. Goel, A. G. Kannan, I. Katz, and R. Bartos, “Improving Efficiency of a Flooding-based Routing Protocol for Underwater Networks,” The Third ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet), San Francisco, CA, pp. 91-94, Sept. 2008. [doi: 10.1145/1410107.1410125]
  39. R. Bartos, S. G. Chappell, R. J. Komerska, M. Haag, S. Mupparapu, E. Agu, and I. Katz, “Development of routing protocols for the Solar-powered Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (SAUV) platform,” Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Vol.8, No.8, pp. 1075-1088, Aug. 2008. [doi: 10.1002/wcm.655]
  40. S. Bhatia, R. Bartos, and K. J. Ma, “Throughput-Delay Tradeoff in Small and Sparse Mobile Ad hoc Networks,” ACM/SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 41-43. Apr. 2008. [doi: 10.1145/1394555.1394562] Also (poster) in Proc. of ACM/SIGMOBILE MobiHoc 2007, Montreal, Canada, Sept. 2007.
  41. R. Bartos, R. J. Komerska, S. G. Chappell, and M. Haag, “COFSNET+: a Routing Protocol Communication among Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” in Proc. of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST'07), Durham, NH, 6 p., August 2007.
  42. S. G. Chappell, R. J. Komerska, D. R. Blidberg, Ch. N. Duarte, G. R. Martel, D. M. Crimmins, M. A. Beliard, R. Nitzel, J. C. Jalbert, and R. Bartos, “Recent Field Experience with Multiple Cooperating Solar-Powered AUVs,” in Proc. of the Fifteenth International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST'07), Durham, NH, 8 p., August 2007.
  43. S. Bhatia and R. Bartos, “IPACT with Smallest Available Report First: A New DBA Algorithm for EPON,” in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'07), Glasgow, UK, June 2007. [doi: 10.1109/ICC.2007.365]
  44. I. Katz, R. Bartos, R. J. Komerska, and S. G. Chappell, “A Cross-Layer Model for In-Water Platform Networking,” A poster presentation at NDIA Undersea Distributed Networked Systems Conference, Newport, RI, February 2007.
  45. R. Bartos, V. Gorla, L. Cyril, R. J. Komerska, S. G. Chappell, and R. Sharma, “Experimental Evaluation and Modeling of RF Modems for Use in Fleets of Multiple Cooperating Autonomous Undersea Vehicles,” Proc. of Oceans'06 MTS/IEEE-Boston, Boston, MA, September 2006. [doi: 10.1109/OCEANS.2006.306943, PDF]
  46. M. Haag, E. Agu, R. J. Komerska, S. G. Chappell, and R. Bartos, “Status Packet Deprecation and Store-Forward Routing in AUSNet,” Proc. of The First ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet), pp. 86-92, Los Angeles, CA, September 2006. [doi: PDF]
  47. K. J. Ma and R. Bartos, “Analysis of Transport Optimization Techniques,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'06), Chicago, IL, pp. 611-618, September 2006. [doi: 10.1109/ICWS.2006.30, PDF]
  48. S. Bhatia, D. Garbuzov, and R. Bartos, “Analysis of the Gated IPACT Scheme for EPONs,” Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC'06), Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006. [doi: 10.1109/ICC.2006.255186, PDF]
  49. S. Bhatia, and R. Bartos, “Closed-form expression for the collision probability in the IEEE Ethernet Passive Optical Network registration scheme,” Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-14, Jan. 2006. [doi: 10.1364/JON.5.000001]
  50. S. Bhatia, and R. Bartos, “Closed-Form Expression for the Collision Probability in the IEEE EPON Registration Scheme,” in Proc. of the IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM'05), St. Louis, MO, Nov.-Dec. 2005. [doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.2005.1577637, PDF]
  51. S. S. Mupparapu, R. Bartos, and M. Haag, “Performance Evaluation of Ad Hoc Protocols for Underwater Networks,” Proc. of 14th International Symposium on Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST'05), Durham, NH, August 2005.
  52. K. J. Ma and R. Bartos, “Performance Impact of Web Service Migration in Embedded Environments,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS'05), Vol II, pp. 409-416, Orlando, FL, July 2005. [doi: 10.1109/ICWS.2005.91, PDF]
  53. S. Bhatia, R. Bartos, and C. K. Godsay, “Empirical Evaluation of Upstream Throughput in a DOCSIS Access Network,” Proc. of the First IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Services Access Networks (MSAN'05), pp. 106-110, Orlando, FL, June 2005. [doi: 10.1109/MSAN.2005.1489952, PDF]
  54. S. Fulton, C. K. Godsay, and R. Bartos, “DOCSIS as a Foundation for Residential and Commercial Community Networking over Hybrid Fiber Coax,” in Broadband Services: Business Models and Technologies for Community Networks, Imrich Chlamtac, Ashwin Gumaste, and Csaba Szabo (eds.), John Wiley & Sons, April 2005.
  55. S. Bhatia and R. Bartos, “Performance of the IEEE 802.3 EPON Registration Scheme Under High Load,” in Proc. of SPIE #5598: OpticsEast - Performance, Quality of Service, and Control of Next-Generation Communication Networks Conference, Philadelphia, PA. October 2004. [doi: 10.1117/12.571460, PDF]
  56. R. Bartos, C. K. Godsay, and S. Fulton, “Experimental Evaluation of DOCSIS 1.1 Upstream Performance,” Proc. of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN), Innsbruck, Austria, February 2004. [PDF]
  57. V. Venugopal, R. Bartos, M. J. Carter, and S. S. Mupparapu, “Improvement of Robustness for Ad Hoc Networks through Energy-Aware Routing,” Proc. of the Fifteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS), Marina del Rey, CA, (T. Gonzales ed.), November 2003. [PDF]
  58. R. Kannan, S. Ray, and R. Bartos, “An Optical Switching Architecture for Hierarchical Group Communication,” Journal of Systems Architecture, Volume 49, Issues 7-9, pp. 297-314, October 2003. [doi: 10.1016/S1383-7621(03)00055-9]
  59. S. Fulton, C. Godsay, and R. Bartos, “DOCSIS as a Foundation for Community Networking over Hybrid Fiber Coax,” Proc. of the First International Workshop on Community Networks and FTTH/P/x (CNFT), Dallas, TX, October 2003.
  60. R. Bartos and A. Gandhi, “Dynamic issues in MPLS service restoration,” Proc. of the Fourteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS), Cambridge, MA, (S. G. Akl and T. Gonzalez, eds.), pp. 618-623, November 2002. [PDF]
  61. R. Bartos and S. Bhatia, “Fast restoration signaling in optical networks,” Proc. of the Special Session on Optical Networks and Communications of the Fourteenth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS), Cambridge, MA, (S. G. Akl and T. Gonzalez, eds.), pp. 845-850, November 2002. [PDF]
  62. S. Manjanatha and R. Bartos, “Integrating Differentiated Services with ATM,“ Telecommunication Systems, vol. 19, no. 3,4, pp. 403-424, 2002. [doi: 10.1023/A:1013898623647]
  63. R. Bartos and M. Raman, “A heuristic approach to service restoration in MPLS networks,” in Proc. of The 2001 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Helsinki, Finland, June 2001. [doi: 10.1109/ICC.2001.936285, PDF]
  64. R. Bartos, M. Raman, and A. Gandhi, “New approaches to service restoration in MPLS-based networks,” in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Trends in Communications (EUROCON 2001), Bratislava, Slovakia (P. Farkas ed.), pp. 58-61, July 2001. [doi: 10.1109/EURCON.2001.937763, PostScript]
  65. S. Manjanatha and R. Bartos, “Integrating Differentiated Services with ATM,” in Proc. of the IEEE International Conference on Networking (ICN'01), Colmar, France (P. Lorenz ed.), Springer LNCS 2093, pp. 388-397, July 2001. [PDF]
  66. R. Kannan, S. Ray, and R. Bartos, “An Improved Optical Switch for Group Communication,” in Proc. International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2000), December 2000.
  67. R. Bartos and M. Raman, “A scheme for fast restoration in MPLS networks,” in Proc. of the Twelfth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems (PDCS), Las Vegas, NE (M. Guizani and X. Shen, eds.), pp. 488-493, November 2000. [PostScript]
  68. R. Bartos and P. de la Torre, “A WDM Interconnection Network for Traffic with Group Locality,” in All-Optical Networking: Architecture, Control and Management Issues, John M. Senior, Chunming Qiao, Editors, in Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 3531, pp. 256-267, November 1998. [doi: 10.1117/12.327064, PostScript]
  69. R. Bartos, P. de la Torre, and R. Kannan, “Space-Time-Wavelength Network with Group Communication Locality,” in Proc. of DIMACS Workshop on Multichannel Optical Networks: Theory and Practice, Peng-Jun Wan, Ding-Zhu Du, Panos Pardalos, Editors, AMS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 46, pp. 239-249, March 1998. [PostScript]
  70. R. Kannan, R. Bartos, K. Y. Lee, and Harry F. Jordan, “SXmin: A Self-routing, High-Performance ATM Packet Switch Based on Group-Knockout Principle,” IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 45, no. 6, pp. 710-722, June 1997. [doi: 10.1109/26.592614]
  71. R. Kannan, R. Bartos, K. Y. Lee, and Harry F. Jordan, “STWnet: A High Bandwidth Space-Time-Wavelength Multiplexed Optical Switching Network,” in Proc. of 1997 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Kobe, Japan, 21 p., April 1997. [doi: 10.1109/INFCOM.1997.644539]
  72. R. Bartos, R. Kannan, K. Y. Lee, and Harry F. Jordan, “Multicasting WDM Interconnection Network for Clusters of Processors,” in Proc. of the Eighth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Chicago, pp. 130-133, October 1996.
  73. R. Kannan, R. Bartos, K. Y. Lee, and Harry F. Jordan, “Optical TDM Switch Architectures with Distributed Control,” in Proc. of the 1996 IEEE Conference on Military Communications (MILCOM), McLean, VA, pp. 115-119, October 1996. [doi: 10.1109/MILCOM.1996.568596]
  74. R. Bartos, R. Kannan, K. Y. Lee, and Harry F. Jordan, “An Efficient WDM Architecture with a Wavelength-Distributed Synchronization Protocol,” in Proc. of the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Dallas, pp. 1788-1792, June 1996. [doi: 10.1109/ICC.1996.535314]
  75. R. Bartos, R. Kannan, K. Y. Lee, and Harry F. Jordan, “Distributed Optical ATM Switching Architectures,” in Proc. of the 1995 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Singapore, pp. 1751-1755, November 1995. [doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.1995.502708]
  76. R. Bartos, R. Kannan, K. Y. Lee, and Harry F. Jordan, “MultiNet: High-Performance WDM Interconnection Architecture,” in Proc. of the 1995 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Seattle, pp. 277-281, June 1995. [doi: 10.1109/ICC.1995.525178]
  77. R. Kannan, R. Bartos, K. Y. Lee, and Harry F. Jordan, “SXmin: A Self-routing, High-Performance ATM Packet Switch Based on Group-Knockout Principle,” in Proc. of the 1994 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, San Francisco, pp. 453-457, November 1994. [doi: 10.1109/GLOCOM.1994.513562]

  78. R. Bartos, “Formal Description Techniques for the Design of Distributed and Communicating Systems,” Acta Polytechnica, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 5-14, August 1991.
  79. M. Šnorek and R. Bartos, “Interfacing IBM PC XT/AT Compatible Computers,” Publishing House of the Czech Technical University, 149 p., Prague 1991 (in Czech).
  80. R. Bartos, “Tools for Design of Reliable Communicating Systems,” in Proc. of Reliability in Computer Science'91. Institute for Information Sciences in Education, Jasna pod Chopkom, pp. 18-23, March 1991.
  81. R. Bartos, “CDS/ISIS Release 2.33 - An Introduction,” Supplementary Textbook, Dept. of Computer Science, Czech Technical University in Prague, 17 p., Prague 1990 (in Czech).
  82. R. Bartos and F. Korbar, “IBM-PC in Education of Operating Systems,” Project Report for A08 Project, Dept. of Computer Science, Czech Technical University in Prague, 31 p., Prague 1990 (in Czech).
  83. R. Bartos, “Implementations of Algebraic Models of Concurrent Processes,” Technical Report DC-90-02. Dept. of Computer Science, Czech Technical University in Prague. 34 p., Prague 1990.
  84. R. Bartos, “Implementations of Imperative Models of Concurrent Processes,” Dept. of Computer Science, Czech Technical University in Prague, 40 p., Prague 1989 (in Czech).
  85. R. Bartos and V. Pavlícek, “A Microcomputer as a Passive Intelligent Terminal for Real-Time Information Distribution to Remote Control Points of the Power Distribution Network,” KOD CEZ Internal Report, 18 p., Prague 1986 (in Czech).


  86. M.-S. Kim, R. Bartos, and S. A. Valcourt, “Simple Authentication and Security Layer Incorporating Extensible Authentication Protocol,” Tech. Rep. TR 07-01, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, May, 2007.
  87. M.-S. Kim, S. A. Valcourt, and R. Bartos, “Selecting a Standard Outer Method for EAP,” Tech. Rep. TR 06-01, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, 35 p., May, 2006.
  88. A. Gandhi and R. Bartos, “Dynamic issues in MPLS service restoration,” Tech. Rep. TR 01-10, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of New Hampshire, December 2001.
  89. S. Manjanatha and R. Bartos, “IP Differentiated Services over ATM,” Tech. Rep. TR 01-02, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of New Hampshire, May 2001.
  90. X. Huang and R. Bartos, “Design and implementation of a Fibre Channel switch on Linux,” Tech. Rep. TR 00-08, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of New Hampshire, September 2000.
  91. M. Raman and R. Bartos, “A scheme for fast restoration in MPLS networks,” Tech. Rep. TR 00-07, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of New Hampshire, July 2000.
  92. G. Herrin and R. Bartos, “Linux IP networking,” Tech. Rep. TR 00-04, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of New Hampshire, 99 p., May 2000. [Project Page, PostScript, HTML]
  93. M. Agrawal and R. Bartos, “Development of a Linux ATM device driver with support for ABR service,” Tech. Rep. TR 99-11, Dept. of Computer Science, Univ. of New Hampshire, December 1999.


  1. Method and system for trick play in over-the-top video delivery, K. J. Ma and R. Bartos, US Patent 8,925,021.
  2. Method and apparatus for efficient HTTP streaming, K. J. Ma, IC. Lin, R. Bartos, and S. Bhatia, US Patent 8,417,828.
  3. Method and system for secure and reliable video streaming with rate adaptation, K. J. Ma, R. Bartos, J. Xu, R. Nair, R. Hickey, and IC. Lin, US Patent Application 13/483,812.