NXS Message-Passing Library

The NXS library is a small subset of the NX library provided by Intel Corporation for their parallel computers. The NXS library was developed for use with the UNH C* system. However, it can also be used for "directly" programming the Galaxy cluster.

The NXS library provides the following primitives:

IMPORTANT: Either numnodes() or mynode() must be called before any other NXS primitive. These routines will initialize the message-passing library, if it is not already initialized.

You should include nxs.h in any source file using the NXS library.

Programs using NXS should be linked with both the NXS library (-lnxs) and with the "dedicated buffers" library (-lded).

NXS programs should be executed using the pshell utility. See the Galaxy cluster webpage for details.

Last modified on October 6, 1997.

Comments and questions should be directed to pjh@cs.unh.edu