CS735/CS835 Programming Project

Your semester project should involve the writing of a parallel program. In essence the project is an extended, student-designed, programming assignment. The effort expended should be roughly equal to 1.5 times the effort expended (on average) on the conventional programming assignments in this course.

There are three deadlines:

  1. October 7: You must submit a detailed project plan.

    This plan should include introductory paragraphs on what the problem is to be solved, why you think it may lend itself to a parallel solution, and what you hope to learn by doing the project.

    The plan should also include a description of goals for an intermediate checkpoint (see next bullet item) and for the final submission. These goals must be very concrete and must include explicit criteria for measuring your success at accomplishing the goals. The goals should be specified in terms of awarding points for subgoals accomplished. The success criteria should be objective and clearly defined. Usually this will mean that some component of your project will be coded, tested and evaluated. This evaluation step is important. Be sure to give some thought as to how you will be evaluating the results of your program. Also consider how the quality of that evaluation should be judged.

    The plan should be typed. Electronic submission (on agate.cs.unh.edu) is preferred:

    ~cs735/bin/submit projplan file
    My submission mechanism will not handle large Postscript files so you may also submit hard copy in person.

    This hurdle is worth 20% of the project grade. Your grade will be determined by the educational value of your proposed project and the specificity of your plan. The plan may be turned in late at a penalty of 5% (of the 20%) per day up to one week late. Your plan, as amended by me when I grade your plan submission, will constitute the official plan under which you will complete the project.

    You are encouraged to discuss your ideas with me informally prior to submitting the formal plan.

  2. November 11: You must submit a report on your status at the intermediate checkpoint. The submission should include all source code and the text for any discussion of the results. Any text should be typed and, at least, minimally formatted. Source code should be appropriately structured and documented.

    Most importantly, the report should evaluate your progress against the checkpoint goals specified in your (possibly amended) project plan. Give yourself an explicit grade by assigning points as indicated by your specified goals and criteria.

    This hurdle is worth 40% of the project grade. The checkpoint report may be turned in late at a penalty of 5% (of the 40%) per day up to one week late. The grading of your submission may include a face-to-face meeting with me outside of class. Students with particularly interesting results may be asked to give brief presentations in class as well.

    You should electronically submit all your source code. Please include a README file in your submission that describes what all the files are. Also include a Makefile for building your programs. Electronically submit your report as well, if possible. If not, give me hard copy in person.

    ~cs735/bin/submit checkpt files

  3. December 9: You must submit the final project report.

    This is simply a repeat of the process used at the intermediate checkpoint.

    This hurdle is worth 40% of the project grade. The final report may be turned in late at a penalty of 5% (of the 40%) per day up to one week late. To turn in your files,

    ~cs735/bin/submit final files

    As before, hard copy submission of the text of your report is acceptable.

The rest of this handout provides suggestions for possible semester projects.

Last modified on September 6, 1996.

Comments and questions should be directed to pjh@cs.unh.edu