CS735/CS835 Literature Survey

You should investigate a topic concerning parallel computing by consulting the recent (post 1990) literature. You might read a single article, a collection of articles, or portions of a book. After completing your reading, you should write a short review document.

The review document should be at most 3 pages in length. The document should contain both a summary component (two thirds) and an evaluative component (one third). The evaluative component is the most important from a grading perspective. If the authors were proposing a technology (programming language, hardware, etc.), describe both the strengths and weaknesses of their approach. If the authors were describing the results of an experiment, evaluate their results and their conclusions. If the authors were reporting on a case study, what conclusions can you draw from their work?

Take a stand! And then defend your stand.

You should choose a topic and identify the exact readings you will be doing by October 7. If your literature survey is tied to your programming project, then include your reading list in your project plan (which is also due on October 7). If not, send me e-mail with your topic and reading list by October 7.

An initial submission of your paper should be done on October 28 (or earlier). Hand the hard copy to me in class or put it in my mailbox in the CS department office. Please do not slide it under my door!

I will grade and return the initial submission by November 11.

The final submission is due on November 25.

Both submissions will be equally weighted in determining your overall grade for the assignment.

Possible topics for the literature survey include (but are not limited to):

For a good general reference to parallel computing click here or here. In addition, Section 1.6 of the cs735/cs835 textbook provides a lengthy list of journals and conferences that cover parallel computing.

Last modified on September 6, 1996.

Comments and questions should be directed to pjh@cs.unh.edu