import time import turtle import math import random time_before = 0 window_width = 600 window_height = 600 window_left = -(window_width / 2) window_right = window_width / 2 window_bottom = -(window_height / 2) window_top = window_height / 2 # 7 numbers: x,y, vx,vy, angle, turn_rate, size ship = [0] * 7 # INDEX NAMES: # These variables give names to the indexes in the above list X = 0 Y = X + 1 VX = Y + 1 VY = VX + 1 ANGLE = VY + 1 RATE = ANGLE + 1 SIZE = RATE + 1 # This list will hold all the rock motion records rocks = [] # And this list will hold the bullet motion records bullets = [] # Notice how the index names make the code more readable def move_object(motion, T): motion[X] += motion[VX] * T motion[Y] += motion[VY] * T motion[ANGLE] += motion[RATE] * T def wrap_around(motion): if motion[X] > window_right: motion[X] = window_left elif motion[X] < window_left: motion[X] = window_right elif motion[Y] > window_top: motion[Y] = window_bottom elif motion[Y] < window_bottom: motion[Y] = window_top def move_rocks(T): for rock in rocks: wrap_around(rock) move_object(rock, T) def draw_rock(motion_record): x = motion_record[X] y = motion_record[Y] angle = motion_record[ANGLE] size = motion_record[SIZE] turtle.penup() turtle.goto(x, y) turtle.setheading(angle) turtle.forward(size) turtle.pendown() turtle.left(60) for side in range(6): turtle.left(60) turtle.forward(size) def draw_rocks(): for rock in rocks: draw_rock(rock) def draw_bullet(bullet): turtle.penup() turtle.goto(bullet[X], bullet[Y])[SIZE]) def draw_objects(): turtle.tracer(False) turtle.hideturtle() turtle.clear() draw_rocks() draw_bullets() turtle.tracer(True) def collided(motion1, motion2): x1 = motion1[X] y1 = motion1[Y] radius1 = motion1[SIZE] x2 = motion2[X] y2 = motion2[Y] radius2 = motion2[SIZE] dx = x1 - x2 dy = y1 - y2 distance = math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) if distance < (radius1 + radius2): return True else: return False def move_objects(T): move_rocks(T) move_bullets(T) remove_offscreen_bullets() def update_scene(): global time_before time_now = time.time() time_elapsed = time_now - time_before move_objects(time_elapsed) check_rock_bullet_hit() draw_objects() time_before = time_now turtle.ontimer(update_scene, 100) ####################################################################### # THE FUNCTIONS YOU MUST MODIFY ARE BELOW THIS LINE # # | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | # v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v def random_motion(): x = random.randrange(window_left, window_right) y = random.randrange(window_bottom, window_top) vx = random.random() * 200 - 100 vy = random.random() * 200 - 100 rotation_rate = random.random() * 200 - 100 return [x, y, vx, vy, 0, rotation_rate, 20] def make_rocks(): global rocks rocks.append(random_motion()) def move_bullets(T): return def remove_offscreen_bullets(): return def fire_bullet(): global bullets angle = ship[ANGLE] gun_offset = ship[SIZE] speed = 40 # 40 pixels per second bullet = [0] * 7 # (ux uy) is a unit vector pointing in the ship's direction ux = math.cos(math.radians(angle)) uy = math.sin(math.radians(angle)) bullet[X] = ship[X] + gun_offset * ux bullet[Y] = ship[Y] + gun_offset * uy bullet[VX] = ux * speed bullet[VY] = uy * speed bullet[SIZE] = 5 bullets.append(bullet) def draw_bullets(): return def check_rock_bullet_hit(): return def turn_ship_left(): return def turn_ship_right(): return def main(): global time_before turtle.setup(window_width, window_height, 0,0) turtle.Screen() turtle.onkey(fire_bullet, ' ') turtle.ontimer(update_scene, 100) time_before = time.time() make_rocks() turtle.listen() turtle.mainloop() # ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ # | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | # # THE FUNCTIONS YOU MUST MODIFY ARE ABOVE THIS LINE ####################################################################### if __name__ == '__main__': main()